Who We Help
We Help:
Veterans, Children, Families & Individuals
HEP is the only social-services agency of its kind in Florida, offering shelter care and supportive services for the entire homeless population. We offer housing and programs specifically designed for single men and women, families with children and US Veterans, including those with mental illness, physical disability and non-violent criminal history.
Nearly 1/3 of HEP’s population consists of the brave men and women who serve our country – a figure that is consistent with the national homeless population of US Vets. Recognizing that this demographic of the homeless community requires specialized care, HEP works hand in hand with the Veterans Administration to provide an array of veteran-specific programs to lead them back to self-sufficiency. Veterans seek refuge in two apartment complexes on HEP’s campus: Fairburn Apartments for men, and HEP West Apartments for men and women. HEP also reserves bed-space in our other shelter offerings, especially for vets.
Families & Children
Studies have shown that the number of homeless families and children in the country is severely under-estimated by the average person. In fact, the average age of homeless individuals nation-wide is only 9 years old. HEP’s goal is to break the cycle of poverty and homelessness for families, by focusing on the children in our shelters. Partnerships with local agencies like Junior Welfare Board (JWB) and the Pinellas County Schools Board (PCSB) offer access to child care, before and after-school activities to ensure the children on campus are prepared to face each school day, and maintain good grades and attendance. HEP provides a wide range of family-specific shelter and services designed to make any family’s experience with homelessness and quick and un-traumatic as possible.
Single men and women are not an overlooked population at HEP. Individuals needing help, including those who classify as the “chronically homeless” population find refuge on our campus. With three stages of shelter, including short-term emergency, moderate-term transitional and long-term permanent supportive housing, we have all of the bases covered. Individuals receive an array of support services that include dental care, medical care, mental health counseling, food and nutrition, job training, and much more.